Back to our regularly scheduled programming. Well, more like random stuff I finally get around to doing when I remember and Mercury isn't in retrograde with a dewpoint of less than 80.
On Tuesdays.
First up! No one big page this time- there are only snippets.
Ahhh, the zen of lifting shadows.
Or the zen of sitting on clear acrylic furniture. Either way.
Yes. Excellent.
A weird ball/man/star thing.
I'll put it next to the gazebo.
I'm not entirely sure why I like this one so much.
I think it's because it's just so cat. Take pretty much any cat and they will eventually end up in mid-butt lick and find something so interesting that they transform into oddly-posed statues.
I love this quiet little barista too.
I originally was going to have him do something snarky...but he just looks too kindly.
Shadow Fingerdog returns!
If you do any kind of thread or yarn work- you know exactly what this is.
That giant pile of stash you have been steadily growing for the past few years has gone sentient.
That giant pile of stash you have been steadily growing for the past few years has gone sentient.
Sometimes there's no explanation I can give you.
My mind- she's a funny place to be sometimes.
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