Thursday, June 19, 2008
Casting In Death- aka don't fear the reaper
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's killing me and not so softly at that
Saturday, June 14, 2008
the view from my balcony
Some people have asked me why I stay home so much. Why don't I get out and live a little?
Honestly? I feel that I've had enough "living" for a while. I was on the go for twenty six years, never slowed down or thought much. It's just time to let the world take its turn at driving this happy bus.
I love the glass in the windows. It lets me be a part of the action without ever having to worry about that tricky barrier between observing and participating. I can sit on this side and its a clear boundary between me and them. Them is not a bad thing. Them is just.. well.. them.
Them is the people out there going shopping, walking their dogs and kids, young hoodlums jockeying for pride, old people out for an after dinner stroll. People in cars and busses going to work, going home or just going. Only once have I seen someone just stop and let the world move for a moment instead.
They were walking underneath our tree out front when it was in bloom. They just stopped walking and looked up at the tree and smiled. This was, from my well hidden third floor, a beautiful thing to see. There! I said, there is a person who just "got it".
Sometimes the most beautiful things are found when we let the world turn on its own and acknowledge that us moving doesn't change much.
My bedhead is fierce, yo
Friday, June 13, 2008
Afternoons at the pub and other itty bitties
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Hearts of Thunder, GERD of pain
Let's start with the cover- which the author no doubt had not much to do with as its a marketing thing...
The male model is definately suffering from some kind of weird zombie-tan and the woman is just... well.. lets just say her curtains and carpet cant match! Of course the back of the cover has the horse going nuts, its par for the course.
As for the premise, a fiesty (fiesty means a woman who screams and is TSTL) Samantha is the inheritor of land that once belonged to the swarthy (swarthy meaning asshole) man named Hank (oh how sexay eh? sounds like a guy who repairs my car). Oh how Hank is an ass. Even from his beginning on the stagecoach- ass hattery approacheth!
Samanth (Sammy) is no better. In fact, I think these two deserve each other. Samantha is the feminine lone ranger, she can shoot, ride and hunt with the best of the men. Until of course, the plot requires her to be insipid and screechy.
Now I love, and I do mean lurrrrve, a good bodice ripper. The problem with this book is the dialogue. Its painful. Hank (oh yeah its so damn sexy) speaks in such a stilted tone that I kept hearing Speedy Gonzalez talking for him. for example:
"I am saying only that I am a stranger and you should not be so trusting of strangers. But let me assure you now that you can trust me"
OK, now re-read that with the speedy voice... yeah its hilarious.
Honestly, reading this I knew it was an early work so I was prepared for the rape scenes and the "oh noes! OH yessss!" bits. What really killed it for me was the dialogue.
The best part of the book? I could NOT stop reading it! It was as if a magical mystery tourhand was pushing me to keep reading. They end up with their HEA but dayum, how weird a road it took to get there.
Would I recommend this book? If you're familiar with historicals (80's historicals at that) then yes. Then I can have someone to laugh with me at the bad wooden speeches, but enjoy the passion these two characters shared.
Two twinkies outta five.
The evil that is my cat
Meanwhile Will's plants are sprouting! They even are starting to get their little second leaves. Its great- soon the herbs will be ours for the taking! YAR!
It all begins at noon
So how about a nice purpose to this whole thing?
It all started with Cassie Edwards. (scary I know)
Researched a rumor I heard and then found.. da da.. the blogosphere. Wow. Found a great one that just inspired me to do what I do... but inflict my pain- I mean insight- on others.
So I'll be trynig this out for a bit and see where it goes.
I'm going to review romances, show some of my life and maybe talk about just general stuff that tickles my fancybone.
Exciting I know, but wait it gets better! I'll even put up some pics with all the power of the interwebs at my fingertips.
More in a bit.